File sharing

Jumbo Box and PowerBox account allow you to share your content with other users. If you want to share your files with others, simply create a share folder and drag&drop your files inside. After that you just need to add the recipients. Any person on the recipients list (if they also have a Box or PowerBox account) can add file into the received share folder. In case that a recipient does not have an Jumbo account he/she can only download the content of the shared folder.


  1. Log in;
  2. Click on "Add new file";
  3. Select the file and click on "Share";
  4. Enter the name for the new share folder (or choose a folder that was previously shared);
  5. Enter the name of the recipient (you can also add a message for the recipient);
  6. Click on "Share".

Take a look at our video instructions on file sharing:


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Sharing folders

Users of Box and PowerBox service are able to share files with other users. After you create the share folder and add a file, you can send it out to any recipient you want. Any recipient of the share can add files to a shared folder. However a person who created the share folder is considered a "share owner". The share owner can delete all the contents of a share folder. By uploading files onto your account you take up storage space, while by sharing files you do not take up additional storage space since these files are already uploaded.

Sharing with recipients that do not have Jumbo Box or PowerBox account

If you are sharing with recipients who do not have an account, they will receive a link that leads to the shared content. By clicking on the link they can download the content from the share folder. This type of recipient can not add file to a shared folder.